Forecasts lie and fortune tellers don't, for a fortune foretold is not a fortune at all, but rather, a risk. Tell them what they want to hear when they want to hear it and the water is calm; clear sailing. Tell them the truth and risk losing them forever or returning them to their original and rightful place in your heart, if it existed at all.
We left one town because it felt too small, another because it felt even smaller, and another because it all just felt too close. The dead mice and the cemetery down the street, the cold fingers in the basement, the guy in the living room with his rusty old cash register and beer bottles. The old man on the street, watching, waiting for the right moment to make me his own. The windows nailed shut. The bath tub. It all came pressing downward, inward, painfully squeezing out whatever life was leftover from the first quarter-century. Trouble comes when everything gets jumbled up, day and night, right and wrong. Living and dead.
A magnificent by-product of past violence, beauty blooms without any of us noticing. I look into a mirror and I see who I am and who I was and what I will be - all one and the same. The immense weight of the life I have both chosen and been summoned for distills my being into something greater, purer. Truth comes only out of light and darkness is the antidote. To have been shrouded in darkness for a lifetime is never to breath, never to feel the sun on your skin and put your face in it. Never to drink the water like an animal, or live without fear. Take a proverbial fucking breather. Suck the air into our body and taste it, succumb to the healthy sensations that life has always offered. Take the gift that appears without warrant for it is the most touching gesture of all: if you love me enough to think of me when I'm not around, then your love is a gift. Choose to accept this gift and life will continue to unfold, exponentially faster, until you reach its peak. Transformation is viable for all of us. We simply need to put our minds to work by putting them to rest.
We left one town because it felt too small, another because it felt even smaller, and another because it all just felt too close. The dead mice and the cemetery down the street, the cold fingers in the basement, the guy in the living room with his rusty old cash register and beer bottles. The old man on the street, watching, waiting for the right moment to make me his own. The windows nailed shut. The bath tub. It all came pressing downward, inward, painfully squeezing out whatever life was leftover from the first quarter-century. Trouble comes when everything gets jumbled up, day and night, right and wrong. Living and dead.
A magnificent by-product of past violence, beauty blooms without any of us noticing. I look into a mirror and I see who I am and who I was and what I will be - all one and the same. The immense weight of the life I have both chosen and been summoned for distills my being into something greater, purer. Truth comes only out of light and darkness is the antidote. To have been shrouded in darkness for a lifetime is never to breath, never to feel the sun on your skin and put your face in it. Never to drink the water like an animal, or live without fear. Take a proverbial fucking breather. Suck the air into our body and taste it, succumb to the healthy sensations that life has always offered. Take the gift that appears without warrant for it is the most touching gesture of all: if you love me enough to think of me when I'm not around, then your love is a gift. Choose to accept this gift and life will continue to unfold, exponentially faster, until you reach its peak. Transformation is viable for all of us. We simply need to put our minds to work by putting them to rest.