ideas flow like water.
they get stopped up sometimes but when they're running it's hard to catch them all no matter how big a bucket you might have.
two cats on wood planks with their paws crossed. two birds on wires with their songs sung.
the pursuit of connection and achievement.
ideas flood the basement, trickle into the bedrooms, and stain the hardwood floors.
ideas are love. communication is art is music is love.
all extensions of art are the extremities of love.
addiction to love cannot be cured like tobacco.
pass the proverbial pipe and fire.
watch the moisture peeling paint and diverting attention from the truth:
the truth is, they don't want me here any more than they want to be here.
"i'll only ask once more if this is what you want.
i'm trying to accept these terms but i don't think that we've learned."